miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

flagsNationality vs Citizenship
Nationality and citizenship are two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. Some people even use the two words ‘“ citizenship and nationality — as synonyms. But this is not true and they differ in many aspects.
First of all let’s see what nationality means. In simple words, nationality can be applied to the country where an individual was born. Then what does citizenship stands for? It is a legal status, which means that an individual has been registered with the government in some country.

An individual is a national of a particular country by birth. Nationality is got through inheritance from his parents or it be called a natural phenomenon. On the other hand an individual becomes a citizen of a country only when he is accepted into that country’s political framework through legal terms
Elaborating the two words, an individual born in India, will be having Indian Nationality. But he may have an American citizenship once he has registered with that country. 

Well, No one will be able to change his nationality but one can have different citizenship. An Indian can have an American or Canadian citizenship but he cannot change his nationality. Another example is that people of the European Union may have European Union Citizenship but that person’s nationality does not change.
Coming to citizenship, some nations also confer honorary citizenship to individuals. But no country can confer honorary nationality on any one as his birthplace cannot be changed.

Nationality can be described as a term that refers to belonging to a group having same culture, traditions history, language and other general similarities. On the other hand, citizenship may not refer to people of the same group. For example, an Indian and may be having a US citizenship but he will not be belonging to the same group as that of the American nationals.

1. Nationality can be applied to the country where an individual has been born. Citizenship is a legal status, which means that an individual has been registered with the government in some country.
2. Nationality is got through inheritance from his parents or it be called a natural phenomenon. On the other hand an individual becomes a citizen of a country only when he is accepted into that country’s political framework through legal terms.
3. No one will be able to change his nationality but one can have different citizenship.

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